On 30th April 2019 Hewlett Packard Enterprise announced that they would offer new parents six months of paid leave following the birth or adoption of a child, in addition to other benefits designed to improve the work-life balance for employees. Their reasoning? “Innovation is our top priority at HPE, and that is made possible by the culture we build,” said HPE CEO Antonio Neri. “We will retain and attract the best talent because of who we are, how we work, and how we treat our people, which in turn will help our customers and partners thrive.” All the top tech companies have innovation as their top priority!

As with all successful software companies, innovation is the driving force behind Quintessence. Defined as the “production or adoption, assimilation, and exploitation of a value-added novelty in economic and social spheres”, innovation is essential for a modern company to survive and stay relevant.

Quintessence Innovation

The continuous process of innovation relies on a solid foundation of research and experimentation. Innovation is impossible without constant learning, reflection and failure autopsies: new ideas are only developed on the shoulders of older ones, whether they were successful or not. Constructive feedback, not criticism, is a requirement for innovation. Failure is a natural and essential part of the process.

In order to encourage the team to take initiative and constantly push boundaries, Quintessence has made innovation one of our four values. The world is constantly changing and pursuing new ideas is how we stay relevant and continue to increase our value proposition to clients.

Through experimentation and challenging conventions, we are constantly seeking to develop new and improved processes. Experimentation is a prerequisite to innovation. The necessity of “business as usual” must be matched with the freedom to experiment.

Investing in innovation is investing in the future of our company and ensuring a ROI. Fostering innovation also requires us to practice our other values of learning and growth, kindness and excellence. Without kindness there is no freedom to try, without learning there is no progress, and without innovation there cannot be excellence.

Feel free to contact me for more information about the Quintessence people and culture.

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